Like you, I'm many things.

Business owner.

Trial lawyer.



Tech geek.

Dog and horse mother.

Wife and daughter. 

Ice cream lover.

My passion and focus is profitable, powerful messaging regardless of how I’m “working.”

I train ambitious high performers in how to get more of what they want through persuasive communication via Power: The Art of Influence and the Power Lab.  

Your communication skills are how you get results, get promoted, grow your reputation and build your business -- online and off.

They are also an inside and an outside job, requiring know-how and existential abilities that until recently humans did not need to thrive in the marketplace.  

I teach the ingredients necessary to present and position yourself, your business and your ideas in a way that will move others to take the action you want them to take, whether that’s hire you, vote for you, buy from you, promote you, or decide for you. 

When we work together, we will fine-tune your inner world so that you optimize your influence in your outer world, using the same mechanisms and strategies that are used “on” you all the time.

This is the key to getting what you want, for yourself, your family, your clients, your organization.

This knowledge shouldn't be available only to a privileged few.

Let’s level the playing field.  It’s time.


I founded The Edge Education to provide individuals with influence and leadership training so that they can achieve more success with less stress.

I equip you with the tools you need to speak persuasively and flex your power so that you are seen, heard and understood and make your desired impact.

My goal is to provide you with a safe space to practice feeling comfortable while taking difficult and polarizing positions and while speaking uncomfortable truths so that when the stakes are high, you perform optimally with confidence and ease.

At The Edge, our mission is to help humans speak and listen to each other from their hearts with empathy and compassion instead of from their heads with frustration and rage.


Jennifer B. Gardner is a Los Angeles-based trial lawyer, a persuasive communications educator, and a part-time administrative law judge for the County of Los Angeles.

Jennifer has operated her own litigation law firm for 32 years in Los Angeles where she has litigated complex business, real estate and criminal matters through trial. 

She began her litigation career in the entertainment industry, has represented individuals in serious criminal cases, has advised and managed documentary filmmakers and visual artists, and today focuses on representing individuals and enterprises of all sizes in business and real estate disputes.

Jennifer has received Certifications from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in Executive Leadership and Executive Presence, Influence and Persuasion. 

She is a graduate of the Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College and the Graduate Program at The Gerry Spence Method. Jennifer has honed her communication skills through the study of Somatic Experiencing, the Sanford Meisner Acting Method, and interspecies communications with Rupert Sheldrake at the Esalen Institute.

When she is not lawyering or learning, Jennifer educates high-performing leaders on how to grow their executive presence and persuasive skills through programs offered through her company, The Edge Education (www.theedge.education).   

She also consults with lawyers on strategic messaging for their cases and helps them with their courtroom presence.


For more information about workshops and services for individuals, organizations and their teams...

EMAIL: hello@jenniferbgardner.com

SEND A TEXT: 310-694-9855
