Presented by Jennifer B. Gardner, Esq.

black and white image of professionals standing against wall of windows





Attention High Performers:

There’s a huge gaping hole in your education.

Although outstanding communication skills are required for your success, most universities, graduate programs and even law schools do not teach the essentials you need to stand out, make an impact and succeed.

Your formal education has not prepared you for the highly sensational experience of having to present your ideas under stress when you are being judged by your colleagues, subordinates, decision makers and superiors.

It did not train you in the art of persuasion --- how to speak and write to win people over and see things your way.

Most likely, you did not receive any instruction in how to have “executive presence” and what it takes to lead.

You may wonder whether you are understood and positively perceived, especially if you are female or a minority. You may question whether you have what it takes to inspire others to follow you and your ideas.

If you are driven to succeed, you may wish you were more confident in expressing yourself — especially in competitive environments where you deeply care about, and it truly matters, how you and your message are received.

It’s natural to question your performance when you “lean in” to high stakes communications and want the respect you know you deserve.

No one wants to sound robotic, struggle to find the right words or freeze and forget what to say when they finally have a chance to speak.

While we are our own toughest critic, the truth is it’s a rough world out there.

You will be judged not only for the results you deliver, but for how well you express yourself and your ideas. In fact, your ability to do this well is a key ingredient in your ultimate success.

Fortunately, being influential and persuasive and being perceived as a magnetic leader are skills you can learn.

If you’ve watched some of your colleagues effortlessly convey their ideas, sound brilliant and inspiring and you wish you knew how they did this, keep reading because you’re in the right place.

It’s possible to crack the code and learn what it takes to be a more magnetic, more powerful communicator. Once you do, you’ll experience new levels of inner confidence that comes from knowing how to sell your ideas, impress and inspire others, lead your team, and get results.

You’ll also gain insights that most of your colleagues don’t have.

You’ll have an advantage, the upper hand which will infuse every negotiation, communication, and presentation you make.

The Art of Influence Featuring the Power Lab, your work is about to become a whole lot easier.

In fact, you may even start to find it fun.

Photo of woman walking down austere corridor


"I wish I'd been taught this 30 years ago!" - Greg L.

"Dear Ms. Gardner: I have been practicing law for 49 years, and needless to say I have attended many CLE courses. At 1:15 am in Houston, Texas, I just finished watching your “Persuade and Lead: Seducing the Jury and ….“.  It is by far the best CLE course I have ever attended. Before I hang up my spikes, I would love to try a case with you. I have been blessed to work on and try some of the most interesting cases in the world. Throughout my professional life, I have found a way to work on some cases with some of the legends just so I could learn from them, including Edward Bennett Williams and Bobby Lee Cook. I know that you can teach me a lot -- you already have just from watching a one-hour video. Stay healthy and be safe." -  T. Boyko

“Wonderful course. Fascinating, entertaining, highly creative." - Matthew S.

"I commend you for your outstanding program and excellent presentation. It was very interesting and informative. Thank you for the program and the effort that went into presenting it. It was one of the best I've seen." - Steve P.

"It should be emphasized that this presentation is a MUST for all trial attorneys. Although I have 38 years trial experience and have tried numerous cases to verdict, this presentation served as a great refresher." - George M.

"THE BEST! " - Mercedes G.

"Super. To improve would be difficult." - Wayne N.P.

"I owe almost my entire career success to the things you put into words so eloquently Knowing how to get along with people should be a required course in school. Thank you!" - Randall Q.

Great Ideas, well presented, dynamic." - Theresa W.

"This is an outstanding program. Jennifer is a very effective and persuasive teacher and speaker. " - Stephen S.

"Amazing and inspiring." - John M.

"Great Presenter. Very engaging!" - Nekesha, A.

"Very interesting and informative." - John W.

"This lecture is actually fun. Thank you!" - Jeeyoung, U.

"Odd that I'm 9 years into my legal career and this is the first time I've heard someone counsel to "speak from the heart." What good advice. - John 

The Art of Influence Featuring the Power Lab is for you if:

You’re ready to learn how you can get more support for the ideas you feel passionately about, and you know in your bones there must be an easier way;

You sense a disconnect between the leader you are in your head or when practicing in your car, and the one who actually shows up to do the job;

You compare your performance to your colleagues’ and wonder why great results seem to come so easily to them;

You wake up in the middle of the night second-guessing what happened the day before, thinking “Damn! If only I’d said it this way!”

You question your career choice because sometimes the stress of work feels unsustainable, inhuman and positively soul-crushing.


The Art of Influence Featuring the Power Lab is for you if:

  • You’re ready to learn how you can get more support for the ideas you feel passionately about, and you know in your bones there must be an easier way;
  • You sense a disconnect between the leader you are in your head or when practicing in your car, and the one who actually shows up to do the job;
  • You compare your performance to your colleagues’ and wonder why great results seem to come so easily to them;
  • You wake up in the middle of the night second-guessing what happened the day before, thinking “Damn! If only I’d said it this way!”
  • You question your career choice because sometimes the stress of practicing law feels unsustainable, inhuman and positively soul-crushing.



The Art of Influence is a training series and transformational experience where you learn and practice the skills and cultivate the confidence required to stand out and rise to the top.

In the Power Lab, you’ll discover techniques you can use in your interactions with other humans, regardless of your business or profession, and free yourself from the internal dynamics that limit your effectiveness that you may not even know you have.

You will cultivate the inner strength you need it takes to not cave when you are criticized, opposed or challenged for your position and ideas.

You’ll find that up-leveling your communication skills begins with being an empathic, well-rounded human— regardless of whether you’re writing an email, negotiating, signing up new clients, presenting your ideas in the boardroom or in the courtroom.

If you’re ready to move beyond feeling like your success is a crapshoot, improve your performance and start loving your work again...

then The Art of Influence and The Power Lab are for you.

Photo of a young female professional shaking hands


It’s a fact: being influential is the very definition of power.

Power is required to obtain optimum results in whatever work you do, yet many high performers have conflicted feelings (whether they are aware of them or not) about being powerful. They often experience anxiety when required to speak about their ideas and deny how badly they want to succeed.

They suffer from crippling fear of failure, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism.

This is no surprise.

Our culture depicts “powerful people” as ruthless, immoral, and cruel.

And, there’s a lack of training, mentors, and role models to inspire and show us how it’s done.

This is especially true for women and minorities, who face limited opportunities and glass ceilings, and who are frequent targets of bias and micro-aggression.

It’s no wonder there are so few role models for us to emulate.

Photo of Professionally Dressed Woman in Conference Room

You already have everything it takes to go from good to great.

Powerful, persuasive communication does not require that you become a scholar in the works of Aristotle or Plato.

It requires more than encyclopedic knowledge.

It requires self-reflection, empathy and facing your fear of failure.

It requires being able to not cave or freeze when you are challenged or your ideas are opposed.

It requires owning your messy, imperfect, human parts along with asserting your right to a place at the table.

It requires understanding what makes one speaker more magnetic than another, one story more compelling than the next, and mastery over these elements so that you can mix your own craft cocktail of influence that’s uniquely yours.

It’s a lot like learning to play the piano: once you know the scales, you make your own music when your fingers hit the keys.

You already possess all the ingredients to be an electrifying, irresistible leader who inspires and persuades through their presence and their words.

You just need a guide to point the way.


The core components of persuasive communications that you can use in your emails, negotiations, written communications, presentations and your trials;

The interpersonal skill set required to be a magnetic communicator;

The neuroscience of decision-making and the importance of knowing how to evoke an emotional response in your "audience," however large or small;

The importance of understanding the “shadow side” of whoever your "audience" is in order to gather support for your ideas, and how to actually do it;

Techniques for building a deeper connection with your superiors, your colleagues, your team, your customers, your clients and your competitors;

Essentials for telling compelling stories, including how to tap into the universal themes that run through human history, art, poetry and your work to help you create the story that will best engage your audience;

The somatics of being persuasive under pressure — handling conflict without losing your cool so that you don’t overreact or freeze;

Exercises for overcoming the need to please and alchemizing the fear of fierce advocacy for yourself or your ideas;

How to diffuse your internal and culturally engrained bias around wanting to be powerful;

Ethical use of power and influence;

Examples from my 30+ years of litigating serious criminal and complex civil matters that you can apply regardless of your business or profession.


  • The core components of persuasive communications that you can use in your meetings, negotiations, presentations, written communications and your trials;t
  • The interpersonal skill set required to be a magnetic communicator;
  • The neuroscience of decision-making and the importance of knowing how to evoke an emotional response in your "audience," however large or small;
  • The importance of probing the “shadow side” of whoever your "audience" is in order to gather support for your ideas;
  • Techniques for building a deeper connection with your decision maker, your adversaries, and your prospective and existing clients;
  • Essentials for telling compelling stories, including how to tap into the universal themes that run through human history, art, poetry and your work;
  • The somatics of being persuasive under pressure — handling conflict without losing your cool so that you don’t overreact or freeze;
  • Exercises for overcoming the need to please and alchemizing the fear of fierce advocacy for yourself or your ideas while maximizing your influence;
  • How to diffuse your internal and culturally engrained bias around wanting to be powerful;
  • Using your power and influence skills ethically;
  • Examples from my 30+ years of litigating serious criminal and complex civil matters that you can use regardless of your business or profession.


"AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the best CLE's I have ever seen!!!!!! She is a fantastic instructor and juries will love her. Really helpful tips for anyone about to do a trial. Would love to see any other courses she has done."


I started my own practice in 1992 when it was a novelty for a young female lawyer to think she could do this herself.

I had zero clients, and even less financial and social capital. The cards were stacked against me, but I didn’t quit.

I quickly got all the crazy clients and cases no sane lawyer would take.

And I had no idea what I was doing because I had no mentorship or training.

I started going to trial right away. The problem was I didn’t know how to try a case.

Every minute of every day I was scared to death.

I had a raw, unpolished “skillset.” I knew how to relate to people. I was a natural-born storyteller. I had an instinct for getting an adverse witness to relax or react and sink their case.

So, I fumbled my way through. I plead my clients’ cases with tears, sincerity and passion.

Photo of Jennifer B. Gardner working at her desk with a vintage typewriter

I practiced radical authenticity and vulnerability more than I practiced law.

I tapped into the emotional dynamics of my case, the rocket fuel that propelled me. And, I used big words like “due process,” “justice” and “democracy” in every argument I made.

I wasn’t afraid if the jury thought I didn’t know what I was doing, because it was true. I was 100% myself, I trusted them to protect me, and they did, every time.

The work was far from easy. The stress level was so high that I almost quit several times, but I stayed in the game because I kept winning just about every single case I tried.

Then, after 20 years of winging it, I figured it was time to get some real training. I graduated from the Trial Lawyers College even more determined to become a magnetic advocate.

I became obsessed with learning how to influence others with my presence and my words.

I’ve also decided cases for 20 years as a part-time Administrative Law Judge for Los Angeles County, where I’ve had the unique experience of being able to experience from the perspective of the decision maker how some lawyers in my courtroom have a real knack for swaying me to their side, and others don’t.

I stepped through a portal to another universe when I began studying persuasion, somatics, the work of Carl Jung, and storytelling. I trained with actors, writers, somatic therapists and advertisers. What I learned blew my mind: these people have a deeper understanding and a far superior way of making you feel what they want you to feel than any lawyer I knew.

And I already knew firsthand that feelings and emotions were the keys to the kingdom.

When I started applying these lessons to my law practice, my results improved

I've taught these ideas to people who work in all businesses and professions, and they report amazing improvements in their confidence and success, too.

In The Art of Influence Featuring the Power Lab, I share with you everything I’ve learned about the craft of persuasion under pressure. I hold nothing back. It’s my mission to pave an easier road ahead for high performers, leaders change-makers and visionaries, and level the playing field by making this knowledge available to everyone instead of only a privileged few.


Your personal power.

Your ability to get results.

Your ability to be persuasive under pressure.

It's not about power for power's sake.

It's unlike any other training you may have taken before.

Here's why:

You won't just learn how to persuade other humans.

You'll also join a confidential container with like-minded people in which you can strengthen the psychological, neurological and physical muscle you need to succeed.

This is necessary because, the more successful you become, the stronger you must be: the more you will confront opposition to you and your ideas -- especially if you are female or a minority.

When you can be heard above all the noise and swing back without losing your balance, you'll be dangerously unstoppable.


“Underrated. Totally superb and sublime!”

"Incredibly interesting and engaging speaker! I learned a lot from this course, and speaker was excellent to listen to. Please bring this speaker back for more courses!"

"Great presentation because it called for looking at how we communicate at trial from an entirely new perspective!"

"EPIC!!! THE BEST MCLE I've ever watched. This
women touches real stuff that changes results."

"This course was very good, engaging and enjoyable to watch. Thank you."

"It is perfect the way it is!! Best seminar ever!!"

"Jennifer was outstanding example of what she was teaching."

"Great speaker, awesome tips, very helpful."

"I have a new perspective and approach towards trials."

"It was excellent. I loved every minute of it."

"Great class. The jury will come to your aid."


"I’m a civil litigation attorney and as I’m writing this, I’m a candidate for the United States House of Representatives 5th Congressional District for the State of Washington.

Before I joined Power: The Art of Influence and the Power Lab, I felt a lack of confidence in being persuasive and in owning my accomplishments and power. In just a short time, Jennifer guided me through exercises and analysis to understand what was holding me back, what my true fears of owning my success and power were. Childhood trauma, self-doubt and fear of embarrassment, to name a few.

Immediately upon identifying these things, I both laughed and cried - I felt the real pain of these things, but also how silly it is to let those things hold you back, to give those things power over you. I’m now on the path to finding answers and learning to embrace all of the parts of me so I’m not holding myself back from being, doing and giving my best in this life. I experienced a significant shift in perception and understanding about my own power.

Working with Jennifer forced me to think about things I didn’t want to, in ways I didn’t want to. I was resistant internally to having to spend the time doing the work. Having someone like Jennifer guide this work made it easier for me to make the time and I’m glad I did. None of us have time to be standing in our own way and Jennifer helped me remove myself as a roadblock to embracing my full power. As a first time candidate running for congress to represent the communities that raised me, I’ve been able to move past all the fears and doubts about whether or not I’m good enough or the right choice, and own my success, my skills and the power I have to bring change to a region I love.

If you’re thinking about joining the Power Lab, do it. It’s worth the investment in yourself and Jennifer is a powerful teacher."

Natasha Hill, Esq. - Candidate for the United States House of Representatives 5th Congressional District the State of Washington.

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"I'm a social entrepreneur, managing director working in the financial industry for an enterprise that’s specialized in giving micro loans to the marginalized.

I was instantly interested in Power: The Art of Influence and the Power Lab, because power is a topic that is talked about so little and that is necessary not only in business, but also the personal arena. For me it was sometimes hard as a business woman to stand my ground. I wanted to explore ways to become tougher.
One of my main challenges I experienced before working with Jennifer was that I tended to be "too nice". Through working with Jennifer, I was able to change some of my patterns that held me back from stepping into my full potential. That's true in both my personal life and business life."

Juma I. – Hamburg, Germany

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